International summerschool 2022 – Expect the unexpected : restitution des projets

Depuis 2013, des étudiants en architecture et enseignants de l'INSA Strasbourg, Hochschule Konstanz, ArtEZ Arnhem et l'ENSA Strasbourg se réunissent chaque année en été pour travailler sur des sujets liés au Rhin. La summerschool a eu lieu cette année du 7 au 11 juillet.

This year students from Darmstadt and Karlsruhe joined and we had four wonderful days in a very challenging place: Phare citadelle.

The topic of the summerschool

By recycling material from different places, you will construct frames that will allow the spectator to discover the Phare island area in a new and unexpected way. Your gaze will be focused on landscapes, cityscapes and other areas that make you escape from reality make you dream… and make others dream…

This dreams will be fixed and shared through a 2 minutes long film and will be pure fiction!

How to proceed

  • Find the spot
  • Build the frame solid (has to last during all the summer until end of October)
  • Imagine a story telling the unexpected
  • Make the film
  • Have fun!

Before starting to work we had an excursion to the south harbor and the Stockfeld, social housing project dating back to 1910.

And here some pictures of the working atmosphere in the hall of the Phare citadelle:

Eight wonderful projects were build proposing unexpected views of the harbor:


And eight films were made:

Thanks to all the students and colleagues! Thanks to Yannick Grosse who allowed us to experience and realize all our unexpected ideas on the magnificent playground of the Phare citadelle.

See you next year in Rome!



And thanks to Simon Gehrmann (TU Darmstadt) who designed the following publication !

2022 Summerschool final document

Dans les mêmes thématiques :

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